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Remembering the Resurrection

September 22, 2016 | by: Chris Kiiskinen | 0 comments

Consider Easter. What do you think about? Typically, we simply think about the resurrection of Jesus. But often times, we may find that we only think about the resurrection during Easter and not very often during any other time. But it is important for us to consider the resurrection always.

It is a very basic and foundational doctrine for the church. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul addresses this issue with the church. He reminds them that the resurrection is an essential part of the message of the gospel. He encourages them to hold fast to the gospel and to not be swayed by those who are teaching differently about the resurrection.

The Fact of the Resurrection

In verses 3 through 11, Paul says that the resurrection is of first importance! He reminds them of the basic message of the gospel; that Christ died, was buried, rose again according to Scripture and then appeared to many people.

He stresses the appearance to help us understand that this is a fact. It actually happened. Paul reminds them that this is what he preached and this is what they believed. It is foundational to our faith in that if there is no resurrection, we have no real reason to have any hope.

The Necessity of the Resurrection

In verses 12 through 19, Paul gives us 6 reasons why the resurrection was necessary. He gives them in a series of if/then type of arguments.

  1. If we preach Jesus as raised from the dead, why do some say there is no resurrection?
  2. If there is no resurrection from the dead, Christ is not raised.
  3. If Christ is not raised, our preaching is useless, as is our faith.
  4. He reiterates that if there is no resurrection, Christ has not been raised.
  5. If Christ has not been raised, not only is our faith in vain, but we are still in sin and there is no hope after we die.
  6. If there is no resurrection and we are living as Christians only for this life, Paul says we are to be pitied more than anyone else. Why? Mostly because we are living for a lie.

As you can see, the resurrection is an absolute necessity to our faith!

The Assurance of the Resurrection

Then in verses 20 through 29, Paul goes back to the fact of his first point telling us that Jesus is the "first fruit" of those to be resurrected. Paul reminds us that Adam, because of sin, brought forth death for all, but that Christ, through his death and resurrection, brings eternal life to all who believe.

The assurance of resurrection, Paul says, is rooted in Christ’s own resurrection, Christ’s rule over all things, including his defeat of death at the cross through his resurrection, and is also based on God’s sovereignty. Notice that our assurance is never rooted in us or in our works, but only in the works and authority of Christ. That gives us a great hope to stand in.

The Logic of the Resurrection

In verses 29 through 34, Paul gives for logical appeals regarding the resurrection.

First, he appeals to even the reasoning of unbelievers who generally believe in the afterlife, and do things in this life according to their belief.
Second, he appeals to his own struggles. Why would he go through so much if what he was teaching was not only a lie, but was for nothing.
Third, he appeals to their obedience. Why would they strive to be obedient to Jesus if it doesn’t really matter?
Fourth, he appeals to truth! He encourages them to not be deceived, but to think clearly and not be influenced by those who teach false things.

The Nature of the Resurrection Body

In verses 35 through 50, Paul tells us what we will experience after the resurrection. He gives 5 main points of the nature of what we will be like.

  1. Our bodies will be imperishable. Meaning immortal.
  2. Our bodies will be glorified, in part meaning perfect and no longer affected by any sin.
  3. Our bodies will be powerful, not weak and fragile like they are now.
  4. Our bodies will be spiritual, meaning they’ll be greater than our current physical bodies.
  5. Our bodies will be like Christ’s!

As Paul reminds the Corinthians, so he reminds us that we have much to look forward to after the resurrection.

The Confidence of the Resurrection

In verses 51 through 58, Paul reiterates that the foundation of our hope and confidence is Christ’s resurrection. It results in us being changed, becoming imperishable, becoming immortal, and becoming sinless.

Because of this, Paul encourages us to be steadfast and immovable in our faith, abounding in God’s work, knowing that it’s not in vain! Knowing these things should not only strengthen our faith, but it should also move us to live more and more for Christ, hoping for and anticipating the greatness of the resurrection.

chris-kiiskinenI encourage you to read through 1 Corinthians 15 and remind yourself of these things again. We have so much hope in front of us because Jesus has defeated death!

This life has its fill of hardships, but one day they will all be gone and we will experience the resurrection personally, going on to eternal life, if we in fact hope in Christ and his finished work on the cross.

Grace and Peace in Christ!

Chris Kiiskinen